Government contractors within the DoD community are responsible for timely and accurate reporting of shipments, receipts, invoices, property and materiel. To this end, the government has created the IUID Registry to be the master repository for all asset reporting data for new, legacy and GFP (Government Furnished Property) items. In this post, I would like to discuss the benefits of automated reporting to WAWF.

Reporting to the IUID Registry

This IUID Reporting obligation is critical for Defense contractors to understand to avoid costly and time-consuming errors. Managing this process internally with the use of spreadsheets, or other homegrown solutions is risky. Manual data entry is slow and error-prone – even for the most experienced data entry specialist. To compound this challenge, the security for the IUID Registry will often log users out of the platform after a certain amount of time resulting in lost time and effort.

Quite frankly, the IUID Registry system is built with a preference for automated reporting.

Get it right the first time

Another key element to understand is that submitting inaccurate information to the IUID Registry is painful. It’s possible to go back in and fix your mistakes — but believe me, you really want to get it right the first time.

To consistently meet all of the DoD requirements for IUID reporting, contractors and suppliers must make sure that all of their data is 100% correct and complete before they submit to the IUID Registry. One of the common challenges here is that the data needs to be collected from across different departments and then organized and checked for accuracy before submission.

For instance, 

  • Contract data comes from the Program Management office 
  • Invoice data comes from Finance 
  • Product data comes from Manufacturing 
  • Unique Item Identification (IUID) data comes from Quality Assurance 
  • Shipment data (Military Shipping Labels, DD250s or Receiving Report and Advanced Ship Notifications) comes from Warehouse and Shipping 
  • Asset data (Custody Transfers, DD1149s) comes from Property Management 

If the wrong data is collected from any of these departments, it can result in a great amount of wasted time to correct the data, while putting a significant strain on reporting. Eventually, this can lead to rejected payments, or shipments, from the DoD. 

Benefits of Automated Reporting

Our Government Property Management System, UC! Web, is a cloud-based central hub where data from each department can be entered, captured, stored and accessed by users from anywhere. It was purpose-built to help government contractors and suppliers manage data from every division of their company and to automate tough electronic submissions. 

UC! Web has systems in place to check for errors and forces the user to fix them before they are submitted to the government. It also takes advantage of existing data already in the system to pre-populate data fields and reduce work and improve efficiencies.

Give the Auditors what they want

Furthermore, by having an automated reporting system it shows DCMA auditors that you have a modern system in place to meet this IUID Compliance requirement.  In recent years, the Pentagon has made it clear their preference for an electronic end-to-end business process that can streamline and improve efficiencies. Taking advantage of an automated reporting system for your government property will do just that.

Learn More

Watch this 2-minute video taken from my recent IUID Compliance webinar to learn more about the benefits of automated reporting to the IUID Registry.

Benefits of Automated Reporting